The Tateuchi Center web site, viewable at, was uses a custom content management engine to push content from the site's database to the browser window, writing HTML on the fly. The site consists of a single page that is rewritten based on the links selected by the user. It employs a code linking system which reduces vulnerability to SQL injection and other such attacks. It also allows for a vanity link system to allow memorable links for marketing purposes such as which pushes the actual address which is

The whole site is run from a back end UI that allows a content manager to create and edit content without needing to know any HTML. The system allows for multiple users with levels of accessibility to allow for content editors to create or edit content while needing a higher level user to approve the content to appear on the web site. The site also allows for content editors to control the flow of content by allowing quarantining of content to be released at a specified date and time and to automatically disappear from the site on another date. 

The system was designed specifically for the needs of the organization which includes features like the ability to upload donor lists for display on the site by using a simple CSV file exported from the donor database. The site continually evolves based on arising needs of the organization such as video archiving. 
The back end content management tool. This shows the interface for controlling news articles.
The article editing form used to update site content as well as create new content. The content manager populates the needed fields and the site writes the HTML code for the article when requested by the browser.
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